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Endoscopy Market Assessment in ASEAN

13 May 2020 | Cambodia

Performing Market Assessment for a Japanese MNC


Performing market assessment for a Japanese MNC to launch new endoscopes in ASEAN.


Our client, a Japanese MNC, was willing to understand the market size, drivers, trends, demand, distribution structure, and pricing of rigid and flexible endoscope systems across 3 ASEAN countries, including Cambodia, to seize future sales opportunities.

endoscopy market assessment in asean


As the client was planning to launch new endoscopes in South East Asia, it was important for its commercial team to understand each market to adapt its commercial strategy, position its products and capture growth in Cambodia and other countries. End-user expectations, procurement process, distribution channels, and price differences were key elements to study and analyze.


YCP Solidiance team executed a detailed study of the endoscopy market. For all three countries, we estimated the market size of endoscopes, looking at the historical stock (installed systems) and flow (yearly sales). Our team also studied the procurement process in both private and public hospitals, to understand the decision-making process and the role of key influencers. We interviewed a large sample of end-users (doctors) to understand their user’s experience, expectations, unmet needs, and perception on different systems and brands. From the macro perspective, we also looked at the trends in healthcare that will impact the endoscopy market in the coming years.

Engagement ROI

Our study gave our client all key information its commercial team needed to prepare a new product launch. Market size, procurement processes, distribution, and price structures are key elements that have been delivered for all three markets, which made this study a very useful tool. We highlighted how our client should adapt its commercial approach by market, setting different expectations, opportunities, and risks.

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